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HUTB Students Win 18 National-level Awards in the 2022 Robot Developer Competition


Recently, the national finals of the 2022 RoboCom Robot Developer Competition, sponsored by the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Organizing Committee of the RoboCom International Open, came to an end. After fierce competition, the HUTB students have made excellent achievements including 5 national-level first prizes, 3 national-level second prizes, 10 national-level third prizes, 4 provincial-level first prizes, 10 provincial-level second prizes and 18 provincial-level third prizes, and the number of awards is ranked in the front place among colleges and universities in the whole country.



In recent years, under the guidance of the concept of the integrated development of "new engineering courses + new business courses + new liberal arts courses" and science, following the leadership of Chen Xiaohong, academician of the CAE, director of Xiangjiang Laboratory, and Secretary of CPC HUTB Committee, HUTB has developed rapidly in the fields of advanced computing, artificial intelligence and robot engineering. Scientific research platforms such as the artificial intelligence innovation technology laboratory, intelligent robot technology laboratory, robot and machine vision application laboratory have been established successively, which has created a favorable cornerstone for HUTB to carry out artificial intelligence, intelligent robot and machine vision subject competition and professional talent training. A total of more than 200 students participated in the 2022 RoboCom Robot Competition in Hunan Province. The competition lasted more than 4 months, and finally, the School of Computer Science won 3 national-level first prizes (instructors: Li Xiaocui, Wei Tao, and Shi Qingyu), the School of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies won 1 national-level first prize (instructors: Cao Wenzhi, and Liu Limei), and the School of Science won 1 national-level first prize (instructors: Nie Ding, and He Dian). In addition, the School of Resources & Environment, the School of Digital Media and Humanities, and the School of Finance also actively participated in the competition and achieved excellent results.

RoboCom Robot Developer Competition is listed in the National Discipline Competition list of the China Association of Higher Education, which creates a communication and competition platform for the integration of industry, university, research and application of robotics, deepens the docking of education and industry, promotes the combination of theory and practice, and achieves the goal of "promoting education, assisting teaching and promoting the industry through competition". It has become a national discipline competition to promote the innovation and development of industry and the construction of the industrial talent echelon. (Reported by the School of Computer Science)

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