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[Outstanding Alumni] Luo Yishan: Twenty-Four Years of Rooting Deeply and Transforming His Hometown with Youthful Passion


In the blazing summer heat, with the sun blazing fiercely, on July 24, the reporters set out from Changsha, traveling west for over 400 kilometers, arriving in Guandiping Town, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City. After traversing a winding and rugged mountain road, we reached a picturesque village nestled deep in the mountains—Dongkou Village. Here, we met a tanned, ruddy-cheeked, straightforward and unreserved Tujia man from Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture. We listened to his inspiring story of rooting himself in rural areas, selflessly dedicating himself, and transforming his hometown. He is Luo Yishan, the secretary of the CPC Committee of Dongkou Village in Guandiping Town, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City, and an alumnus of HUTB, Class of 1996, in the Marketing program.

▲The head of the Alumni Office of HUTB and representatives from the Zhangjiajie Alumni Association visit Luo Yishan

Having emerged from the mountains, he returned to a mountain nook

Luo Yishan, male, of the Tujia ethnic group, was born in 1973 into a cadre family in the revolutionary old area of Sangzhi County. He graduated in 1996 from Hunan University of Commerce (now HUTB) Marketing 9411 class, and remained in the provincial capital, Changsha, for work after graduation. Inspired by his father (a cadre in the Sangzhi County Public Security Bureau) and the influence of Tujia traditional culture, Luo Yishan resolutely decided to give up his job opportunity in the provincial capital, forgo the allure of city life, and return to his hometown to contribute to the construction and development of Dongkou Village.

▲Scenery of Dongkou Village, Guandiping Town, Sangzhi County

Dongkou Village is located in the heart of the Wuling Mountains, characterized by its clear mountains and rivers, fresh air, and pleasant scenery, resembling a "paradise on earth." However, the climate is complex, the terrain is rugged, and transportation is difficult. Due to natural and geographical constraints, local villagers face harsh living conditions, lack production resources, struggle with material exchange, and find it very inconvenient to access education and medical services, remaining in extreme poverty for a long period. "The village was extremely impoverished and underdeveloped at that time; in summary, 'water depended on rain, light came from firewood, and travel was on foot.' When I returned to the village, it took me nearly two hours to traverse mountains and hills," Luo Yishan recalled, deeply saddened by the difficult lives of the villagers.

▲The villagers of Dongkou Village are engaged in strip intercropping of soybeans and corn

To this end, Luo Yishan set a goal and made a resolution to "change his hometown." After returning to his hometown, Luo Yishan initially took on the role of a rural electrician, working hard to address the villagers' electricity issues. He then served as an acting village branch CPC committee member, actively participating in village construction. Later, as the secretary of the village’s CPC Committee, he united and led the villagers in comprehensive poverty alleviation and rural revitalization efforts. Luo Yishan led by example, working diligently and personally involved in the work, dedicating himself to the cause for 24 years. Under his leadership, the once impoverished village has transformed into a prosperous, civilized, and happy community.

Rooted in building the mountain village, he has transformed his hometown

With persistent effort, no work is in vain. After 24 years of diligent toil, Luo Yishan has invested his youth in this land and has cultivated a happy and beautiful new homeland.

▲Luo Yishan conducts in-depth visits and research with impoverished households

After years of construction and development, Dongkou Village, under the care and guidance of the local CPC Committee and government, not only completed its poverty alleviation tasks ahead of schedule but also became a well-known village in the area. The village's appearance has been completely transformed, with all five mountain roads leading into the village fully paved, upgraded to qualified rural roads, and coverage for paved roads, tap water, and electricity achieved. The villagers' living conditions have improved, reaching a prosperous level, with every household building small villas. The livestock and agricultural industries have rapidly developed, and foreign investment has been introduced to establish factories and boost the local economy. The enrollment rate for school-age children in the village has reached 100%, with educational quality steadily improving. Every year, children continue to pursue higher education, with some graduates securing positions as central government officials or university professors. Elderly care is ensured, with significantly improved medical and health conditions. Many villagers around 90 years old live independently and can even engage in light physical work. The social security system has been continuously refined, ensuring that low-income and special groups live worry-free and receive proper care.

▲Luo Yishan organizes villagers to plant high-quality rice

Dongkou Village has a total of 285 households and 975 people, with most villagers' homes built on the hillside and scattered throughout the mountainous areas. "The villagers live very dispersed, which makes the construction of access roads challenging and costly, with some mountain roads having slopes of up to 40 degrees." To make production and daily life safer and more convenient for the villagers, Luo Yishan sought various policy supports. In 2023, he successfully secured government funding and initiated the road paving project for all the village's access roads.

▲The road paving in Dongkou Village achieves full coverage to the village, community, and individual households

It is precisely due to this diligent and pragmatic work attitude and spirit of dedication that various levels of CPC Committees and governments have repeatedly recognized and rewarded Luo Yishan and the village's "CPC branch committee and villager’s committee" team. He has been valued and groomed by higher authorities and was considered for promotion to a deputy section-level official. However, he turned down this valuable opportunity that many would covet, choosing instead to forgo the promotion. "This place needs me, and the people here need me. I cannot leave this beloved land," Luo Yishan said.

Inherit the red genes and promote the red spirit

Sangzhi County is the hometown of Marshal He Long and the departure site of the Second Front Army's Long March. The red genes here instill a strong sense of red spirit and patriotic sentiment in the people. Luo Yishan also has a special identity—he is a descendant of martyrs. His uncle, Luo Wanden, and relative, Zhao Guangming, sacrificed their lives on the front lines during the Liberation War, and his cousin, Luo Ming, was killed in a national nuclear industry test project. This has had a significant impact on him, leading him to consistently uphold high standards as a Party member and dedicate himself wholeheartedly to serving the people.

▲Luo Yishan pays respects at the martyrs' cemetery in Guandiping, viewing the list of martyrs' names

During the period of poverty, Luo Yishan led the entire village's cadres and people through severe cold and intense heat, employing every possible method and creating all conditions to help villagers escape poverty through tireless effort. During this period, he personally started raising black pigs and, to help impoverished households, distributed over 200 piglets from his own farm to villagers. He actively shared breeding techniques and encouraged everyone to achieve poverty alleviation and prosperity through animal husbandry. Villagers Tuo Weixiang, Tuo Shaolong, Tuo Xianghui, and Tuo Xinlan directly benefited. Under Luo Yishan's guidance, they now raise over a hundred black pigs, with increasingly mature breeding techniques and improving living conditions.

▲In Dongkou Village, every household has flocks of chickens and ducks, and herds of cattle, sheep, and pigs

Now, Luo Yishan still raises over 20 "mountain cattle." "Raising cattle in the mountains is prone to losing them, but with advanced tracking and positioning technology, I'm no longer worried about them straying or getting lost," Luo Yishan eagerly shared his breeding experience.

The villagers' living conditions have improved rapidly, but Luo Yishan has been "lagging" in this regard. It wasn’t until last year that he finished building his new house, making him "the last in the village to complete a new home." "I feel truly accomplished only when the villagers' lives improve," Luo Yishan said with joy.

At the end of June this year, due to continuous heavy rains, Dongkou Village experienced flash floods, landslides, and collapses, creating a very severe situation. Luo Yishan, disregarding his own safety, worked tirelessly day and night for over ten days. He led the village's "CPC branch committee and villager’s committee" and Party members, taking the lead in organizing the evacuation of disaster victims, conducting disaster inspections, and eliminating hazards, ensuring the safety of the villagers' lives and property. "At critical moments, Party members must be on the front lines!" Luo Yishan said.

▲Luo Yishan leads Party members to Hongjiaguan for educational activities

The villagers of Dongkou Village praise Luo Yishan highly, seeing him as a diligent and hardworking village branch secretary who has brought hope to this remote mountain village. "Today's Dongkou Village is getting better and better, ultimately due to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the country's good policies," Luo Yishan said. He also frequently advises his two daughters to "listen to the Party and follow its lead," hoping to pass on the valuable red legacy to the next generation.

Grateful for his alma mater's nurturing, he wishes it continued success and growth

Reflecting on his school years, "The university taught me a lot of useful knowledge, which has played a crucial role in managing village collective economy, promoting agricultural product sales, understanding market rules, and controlling business costs," Luo Yishan said. He noted that the teachers' guidance and classmates' care have benefited him for a lifetime.

▲Luo Yishan investigates the sock factory introduced to the village

To promote the sale of Dongkou Village's agricultural products, Luo Yishan fully utilized his marketing knowledge and took on the role of an online promoter himself. He created a Douyin account to share the village's development achievements, industry results, cultural progress, and rural anecdotes with netizens. Currently, his Douyin account has nearly 7,000 followers, with over 1,100 posts and more than 360,000 likes, making him a "web celebrity" in the mountain village.

On the occasion of HUTB’s 75th anniversary, Luo Yishan is particularly delighted to hear about the university's rapid development and outstanding achievements in recent years. "I remember when I was a student, the university had around ten thousand students. Now, it has undergone significant growth and change. I sincerely wish our alma mater continued success and prosperity!" He also offers heartfelt advice to the younger students: "I hope that whether in your studies or your work, you remain true to your original intentions and persist to the end. I believe that through continuous effort, you will achieve your personal ideals!"

Previously, several alumni from the HUTB Shenzhen Alumni Association, upon learning about Luo Yishan’s achievements, immediately traveled to Dongkou Village to visit him and reported his touching story to the CPC HUTB Committee. They expressed, "In this land full of courage, hope, and dreams, there is a classmate and brother who commands our deep respect and admiration. We hope that Luo Yishan will continue to broaden the path of rural revitalization!"


After concluding the interview with alumni Luo Yishan, we were filled with excitement and emotion on our way back. We were deeply moved by his dedication and spirit of contributing his youthful energy and passion to the grassroots level. At the same time, many alumni like Luo Yishan are spread across the country. They work diligently and quietly in various fields, contributing to the nation's economic and social development and demonstrating the outstanding qualities and unique charm of HUTB graduates. We also sincerely wish over 200,000 alumni of HUTB good health, success in their careers, and happiness in their families! (Interviewed and written by Zhang Gaoyang)


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