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[Hunan Daily] Building Livable, Business-Friendly, and Beautiful Rural Areas: Both "Shaping" and "Casting the Soul" Are Essential – Lessons from Zheji


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The 20th CPC National Congress report pointed out that "Chinese-style modernization" is modernization that harmonizes both material civilization and spiritual civilization. In the implementation of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" project (referred to as the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project") in Zhejiang, rural spiritual civilization construction is closely linked to achieving common prosperity and modernizing agriculture and rural areas. This approach not only enriches the pockets of rural residents but also enriches their minds, achieving the coordinated development of "two civilizations" and setting an example of rural modernization in China. The "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" offers multiple insights for our province, emphasizing the need to vigorously strengthen rural spiritual civilization construction and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. 

Huang Xin

The 20th CPC National Congress report pointed out that "Chinese-style modernization" is modernization that harmonizes both material civilization and spiritual civilization. Strengthening rural spiritual civilization construction is an inherent requirement for implementing the rural revitalization strategy and an important means to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of rural residents. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to rural spiritual civilization construction, emphasizing that "the construction of rural spiritual civilization is the work of nourishing people's hearts, cultivating their morality, and uniting their hearts. We must make continuous efforts and put in sufficient work." After 20 years of practice, Zhejiang's "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" has achieved remarkable results in rural spiritual civilization construction, transforming villages into beautiful and comfortable homes for rural residents and providing them with a spiritual sanctuary. Learning from and drawing lessons from the practices and experiences of rural spiritual civilization construction in Zhejiang's "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" is of great significance and practical inspiration for our province's efforts in building beautiful rural areas and promoting rural revitalization.

Understanding the thoughts and deeply comprehending the profound significance of Xi Jinping's important discourse on rural spiritual civilization construction

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "Rural spiritual civilization construction is very important. The concept that material changes into the spirit and the spirit transforms into the material is a dialectical viewpoint. In the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, we must focus on both material and spiritual civilization, with particular attention to enhancing the spiritual outlook of farmers." This important discourse profoundly reveals the characteristics and principles of rural spiritual civilization construction, enriching and developing the scientific theory of socialist spiritual civilization construction.

Zhejiang's "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" embodies the important ideas of General Secretary Xi Jinping regarding rural spiritual civilization construction. Over the past 20 years of implementing the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project," Zhejiang has placed a high emphasis on spiritual civilization construction while vigorously promoting rural development and industrial growth, adhering to the principle of simultaneously advancing "two civilizations." During his tenure in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping conducted extensive field research in rural areas. He provided important instructions on the preservation of ancient villages, ancient dwellings, ancient trees, historical and cultural relics, as well as the construction of cultural auditoriums, rural libraries, and youth centers. He also emphasized traditional drama performances, intangible cultural heritage preservation, and the promotion of cultural and sports activities. He urged the implementation of supporting policies to ensure the effectiveness of these initiatives. These efforts have driven the deepening of rural spiritual civilization construction throughout Zhejiang Province, resulting in a series of achievements.

The "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" in Zhejiang is a classic case that embodies General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on rural spiritual civilization construction and promotes China's modern rural development. General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized that the rejuvenation of a nation requires both strong material and spiritual forces. China's modernization should be a coordinated development of material and spiritual civilization. Strengthening the construction of rural spiritual civilization is a logical necessity and inherent requirement for the coordinated development of material and spiritual civilization in China's style of modernization. In Zhejiang, alongside vigorous rural development and the growth of rural industries, the province has adhered to the principle of "both civilizations" – material and spiritual. This approach has not only led to material prosperity but also spiritual enrichment, creating a rural model for China's style of modernization. The practice of Zhejiang's "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" demonstrates that in promoting comprehensive rural revitalization, it is essential to closely link the construction of rural spiritual civilization with the goals of achieving common prosperity and modernizing agriculture and rural areas. This approach ensures that farmers not only become economically prosperous but also enrich their knowledge and cultural lives, achieving coordinated development of "both civilizations." Furthermore, Zhejiang's experience with the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" illustrates that by following General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on rural spiritual civilization construction, comprehensive strengthening of rural spiritual civilization can significantly contribute to the realization of China's style of modernization in rural areas.

Learning the method and deeply understanding the experiential insights from the spiritual civilization construction of the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project."

The significant achievements of Zhejiang's implementation of the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" have demonstrated a model effect and widespread influence across the country. Among them, there are five profound insights that are particularly relevant to our province's efforts to strengthen rural spiritual civilization construction and promote comprehensive rural revitalization.

It emphasizes both "shaping" and "nurturing the soul." Having material abundance and spiritual richness is the fundamental requirement of socialist modernization. Zhejiang has been vigorously advancing the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project," focusing on promoting the coordinated development of material and spiritual civilization in rural areas. It consistently integrates the improvement of rural living environments with the enhancement of rural residents' spiritual outlook and the promotion of a new rural cultural ethos. It closely combines the work of creating civilized villages, cultural villages, and villages with democratic and rule-of-law practices with rural revitalization, effectively achieving the inherent unity of "two civilizations."

It emphasizes both "external factors" and "internal factors." Advancing the construction of rural spiritual civilization requires the correct leadership and strong promotion of the Party organizations. It also requires the active participation and concerted efforts of various stakeholders and the broad support and proactive actions of farmers. During the launch meeting of the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project," Comrade Xi Jinping emphasized, "Adhere to government guidance, encourage voluntary participation by farmers, and fully leverage the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres and the masses." Zhejiang's promotion of rural spiritual civilization construction adheres to Party leadership while mobilizing all favorable factors. It also upholds the primary position of farmers and maintains a people-centered approach, actively involving rural residents in cultural facility construction, cultural activities, the creation of civilized villages and towns, and reforms related to customs and traditions.

It focuses on both "hardware" and "software." Zhejiang places high importance on cultural "hardware" construction by establishing a three-level network of practice centers for cultural and ethical progress in new era, new era civilization practice sites, and rural cultural auditoriums throughout the region. They have also built a number of high-quality family heritage museums, village history museums, museums, and rural libraries. Additionally, Zhejiang has actively strengthened cultural "software" development by improving village regulations and agreements, promoting the reform of customs and traditions, and scientifically constructing an efficiency evaluation system and a star rating management mechanism for rural cultural auditoriums.

It values both "traditional culture" and "spirit of the times." Zhejiang has taken the lead in economic development in China, and the fundamental reason behind this success lies in its ability to organically combine its rich and creative traditional culture with the spirit of the times. The concept of culture as the soul is consistently integrated into the construction of beautiful rural areas, emphasizing the inheritance and promotion of traditional farming culture and excellent folk culture, and focusing on the advancement of advanced socialist culture.

It focuses on both "static preservation" and "dynamic inheritance." Zhejiang places great emphasis on the preservation and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage, strengthening the protection of agricultural cultural heritage, historical cultural villages, and increasing the protection efforts for representative ancient houses, old theaters, and ancestral halls. While engaging in "static preservation," it also adopts flexible and diverse approaches to promote "dynamic inheritance." This includes the construction of traditional cultural study centers, intangible cultural heritage inheritance centers, and active participation in a variety of cultural activities to deeply enrich the spiritual culture of the people.

Clarifying the direction and making full efforts to deepen and solidify the spiritual civilization construction in our province

To draw valuable lessons from the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project", advance the construction of rural spiritual civilization, and allow the experience of the "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" to open a new chapter in the Sanxiang region, efforts should be focused on five aspects.

Persist in promoting "two civilizations" together. While accelerating the development of agricultural and rural infrastructure, continuously strengthening the material foundation of socialist modernization, and improving the material living conditions of the people, it is essential to vigorously promote a positive social atmosphere, advance customs reform, cultivate a civilized rural ethos, promote good family traditions, and foster a simple and wholesome rural culture. By persisting in promoting "two civilizations" together, we can continually enhance the democratic and legal awareness, scientific and cultural quality, and ethical values of farmers, achieving comprehensive enrichment in material wealth and comprehensive development in personal growth.

Persist in having "two subjects" working together. In the construction of rural spiritual civilization, the government serves as the service subject, while the farmers are the construction subjects. While the government provides policy guidance, financial support, and public goods, it must also fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of grassroots rural cadres and the broader rural population to participate in the construction of spiritual civilization. It should stimulate the inherent motivation of rural residents, align "what the government wants to do" with "what the farmers want to do," transform rigid promotion into voluntary action, and achieve the shift from "I should build rural civilization" to "I want to build rural civilization."

Persist in investing in both "hardware" and "software." In the construction of rural spiritual civilization, it is necessary to increase investment not only in "hardware" but also in "software." While making significant efforts to construct cultural facilities, build cultural venues, and preserve cultural heritage, it is also crucial to nurture a civilized rural atmosphere, inherit good family traditions, and cultivate simple and honest folk customs. This includes the development and improvement of village rules and agreements, as well as the implementation of various civilized practices such as "five prosperities through mutual aid," "civilization points," and "ethical supermarkets" tailored to local conditions.

Persist in promoting both "traditional culture" and "modern culture" together. Traditional culture and modern culture are two forms of culture within rural spiritual civilization, and efforts should be made to promote them together. It is important to leverage the role of traditional cultures such as agricultural culture and Hunan culture in uniting people, educating the masses, and nurturing good customs. Additionally, it is essential to be guided by the core socialist values while cultivating advanced socialist culture that is oriented toward modernization, global perspectives, and the future.

Persist in using both "two approaches" together. In the construction of spiritual civilization, attention should be paid to both cultural inheritance and cultural innovation. In our province's construction of rural spiritual civilization, we should not only protect the material and spiritual achievements of rural historical and cultural heritage but also plan and organize a series of innovative cultural activities with strong appeal and broad participation. For example, activities like "Village Super League" and "Village Gala," "Village Sports Day," and events such as cheongsam shows and square dancing organized by villages, as well as cultural outreach activities like "Joyful Xiaoxiang," "Hunan Public Culture Outreach to Villages and Households," and "Opera in Rural Areas" led by the government, should be carried out. These activities aim to continuously promote the dynamic inheritance and dissemination of rural culture.

In summary, the experience of rural spiritual civilization construction in Zhejiang's "Thousand - Ten Thousand Project" is valuable for us to learn from and draw inspiration. It is conducive to our province's comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and the accelerated development of modern agriculture and rural areas. It will also help invigorate the Sanxiang region with new vitality and energy.

(The author is the President and a professor at HUTB, as well as the Vice President of the Hunan Beautiful Countryside Construction Research Association.)

Link: https://hnrb.voc.com.cn/hnrb_epaper/html/2023-07/13/content_1638661.htm?div=-1

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